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Amazing Shadows: Types of Christ in Scripture
Welcome & Introduction
Message from Pastor Doug, Carlos and Daniel (7:09)
Live Class Details
Week 1
Video Lesson (18:38)
Day 1: Seeing Jesus in Shadows and Types
Day 2: Cautions and Guidelines
Day 3: Parallels
Day 4: Types and Examples
Day 5: Something Greater
Day 6: Shadow Sampler: Melchizedek, the Mystery Man
Day 7: Firm Foundation
Live Class Archive (66:06)
Week 2
Video Lesson (13:45)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug (50:06)
Day 1: Adam, Abel, Enoch, and Noah: Pre-Flood Types
Day 2: The Son of God
Day 3: First Siblings
Day 4: Shadow Sampler: Enoch—Seventh from Adam
Day 5: A Perfect Man
Day 6: Saved Through the Waters
Day 7: Firm Foundation
Live Class Archive - Adam (67:32)
Live Class Archive - Cain & Abel (67:55)
Live Class Archive - Enoch (68:16)
Live Class Archive - Noah (54:24)
Week 3
Video Lesson (12:08)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug (55:09)
Day 1: Job: Suffering in the Spirit
Day 2: Servant-Kings
Day 3: Battleground and Suffering
Day 4: Forsaken by Friends
Day 5: Falsely Accused and Abandoned
Day 6: Shadow Sampler: Boaz and Ruth, the House of Bread
Day 7: Firm Foundation
Live Class Archive (125:13)
Week 4
Video Lesson (12:54)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug (54:12)
Day 1: Abraham and Isaac: From a Far Country
Day 2: Shedding of Blood
Day 3: Long-Awaited Child
Day 4: The Mountain of Sacrifice
Day 5: Your Only Son
Day 6: Shadow Sampler: Jacob
Day 7: Firm Foundation
Live Class Archive (67:04)
Week 5
Video Lesson (9:58)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug (47:41)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug Part 2 (51:42)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug Part 3 (38:41)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug Part 4 (47:04)
Day 1: Joseph: From the Pit to the Palace
Day 2: A Miracle Birth
Day 3: Prophets Both Despised and Honored
Day 4: Murderous Plots
Day 5: Betrayal and a Bloody Robe
Day 6: Shadow Sampler: More on Joseph
Day 7: Firm Foundation
Live Class Archive (98:17)
Week 6
Video Lesson (10:21)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug (46:19)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug Part 2 (49:41)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug Part 3 (41:33)
Day 1: Moses: The Great Lawgiver
Day 2: A Prophet Like Me
Day 3: Rescued at Birth
Day 4: Women at the Wells
Day 5: Defeated Serpents
Day 6: Shadow Sampler: Boaz and Ruth, a Kinsmen Redeemer
Day 7: Firm Foundation
Live Class Archive (54:02)
Week 7
Video Lesson (10:25)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug (57:34)
Day 1: Joshua: The Faithful General
Day 2: The Lord Is Salvation
Day 3: A Servant-Leader
Day 4: Joshua, Rahab, and Jericho
Day 5: Covenant with the Gibeonites
Day 6: Shadow Sampler: The Wisdom of Solomon
Day 7: Firm Foundation
Live Class Archive (44:00)
Week 8
Video Lesson (10:15)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug (43:01)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug Part 2 (49:34)
Day 1: Gideon and Samson: Mighty and Powerful
Day 2: Youngest and Humble
Day 3: Lamb and Bread
Day 4: Miracle Birth
Day 5: The Gates of Hell
Day 6: Shadow Sampler: Jonathan, A Courageous Warrior
Day 7: Firm Foundation
Week 9
Video Lesson (8:57)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug (36:51)
Day 1: David: The Shepherd, King, and Poet
Day 2: Beloved Sons
Day 3: Keepers of Flocks
Day 4: Fighting Giants
Day 5: Stones and Swords
Day 6: Shadow Sampler: David, Betrayals and Prayers
Day 7: Firm Foundation
Week 10
Video Lesson (8:43)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug
Day 1: Elijah: Prophet of Fire and Rain
Day 2: Fearless Before Rulers
Day 3: Ministering to Gentiles
Day 4: Fire and Rain
Day 5: Carried by Angels
Day 6: Shadow Sampler: Elisha, a Man of Miracles
Day 7: Firm Foundation
Week 11
Video Lesson (7:16)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug (38:42)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug Part 2 (35:16)
Day 1: Daniel: Servant in a Foreign Land
Day 2: God’s Wise Judge
Day 3: Liberated from Lions
Day 4: Faithful in Prayer
Day 5: Resurrection
Day 6: Shadow Sampler: Nehemiah, Restoring the City of God
Day 7: Firm Foundation
Week 12
Video Lesson (8:09)
Supplement Lesson with Pastor Doug
Day 1: Esther: Sacrificial Courage
Day 2: Esther and the Church
Day 3: The Intercessor
Day 4: Persecution
Day 5: Jonah: The Sign of a Prophet
Day 6: Shadow Sampler: Jonah, Preaching Repentance
Day 7: Firm Foundation
Week 13
Video Lesson (7:57)
Day 1: Stephen: Full of Faith and Power
Day 2: Wisdom and Faith
Day 3: Brought to Trial
Day 4: Condemned for Speaking Truth
Day 5: Unjustly Executed
Day 6: Shadow Sampler: Jesus in the Temple
Day 7: Firm Foundation
Day 5: Covenant with the Gibeonites
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