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Ice Breakers!
Pastor Doug Welcome! (1:00)
Ice Breakers! (1:26)
Week 1: Divine Commission
Introduction (3:06)
Divine Commission - Carissa McSherry (42:38)
Day 1 - The Last Message
Day 2 - Lingering on the Shore
Day 3 - Finding Unity
Day 4 - Saved to Serve
Day 5 - Tools You Can Use!
Day 6 - Words to Live By
Day 7 - "Here Come the Christians," Part One
Live Class Archive (94:04)
Week 1 Downloads
Week 1 Downloads
Build Your Toolbox
Week 1 - Disciple Toolbox (0:30)
Week 1 Quiz
Week 1 Quiz
Week 2: Christ’s Method Alone
Introduction (3:33)
Christ's Method Alone - Chuck Holtry (42:53)
Day 1 - Seeing with His Eyes
Day 2 - Nurturing Faith
Day 3 - Healed Through Service
Day 4 - Divine Appointments
Day 5 - Tools You Can Use!
Day 6 - Words to Live By
Day 7 - "Here Come the Christians," Part Two
Week 2 Downloads
Week 2 Downloads
Build Your Toolbox
Week 2 - Disciple Toolbox (0:33)
Week 2 Quiz
Week 2 Quiz
Week 3: Our Greatest Need
Introduction (3:02)
Our Greatest Need - Doug Batchelor (45:09)
Day 1 - Absolute Surrender
Day 2 - The Power of Prayer
Day 3 - Digging Deeper
Day 4 - Pressing In
Day 5 - Tools You Can Use!
Day 6 - Words to Live By
Day 7 - In the Caves or in the Clouds, Part 1
Week 3 Downloads
Week 3 Downloads
Build Your Toolbox
Week 3 Toolbox (1:03)
Week 3 Quiz
Week 3 Quiz
Week 4: The Evangelism Cycle
Introduction (4:50)
The Cycle of Evangelism - Jëan Ross (50:55)
Day 1 - Phase 1: Befriend Those in the Community
Day 2 - Phase Two: Minister to Needs, Win Confidence, and Strengthen Churches
Day 3 - Phase Three: Invite Friends to Attend the Evangelistic Series
Day 4 - Casting the Net Wide
Day 5 - Tools You Can Use!
Day 6 - Words to Live By!
Day 7 - In the Caves or in the Clouds, Part 2
Week 4 Downloads
Week 4: Downloads
Build Your Toolbox
Week 4 Toolbox (1:00)
Week 4 Quiz
Week 4 Quiz
Week 5: Friendship Evangelism, Part One
Introduction (7:16)
Friendship Evangelism, Part 1 - Carissa McSherry (44:23)
Day 1 - Reaching the Heart
Day 2 - Unselfish Service
Day 3 - Stranger (No) Danger
Day 4 - The Fearful Witness
Day 5 - Tools You Can Use!
Day 6 - Words to Live By
Day 7 - Truth at All Cost
Week 5 Downloads
Week 5: Downloads
Build Your Toolbox
Week 5 Toolbox (0:30)
Week 5 Quiz
Week 5 Quiz
Week 6: Friendship Evangelism, Part Two
Introduction (7:50)
Friendship Evangelism, Part 2 - Carissa McSherry (43:49)
Day 1 - Heaven’s Chosen Agency
Day 2 - Paul's Golden Opportunity
Day 3 - Nothing to Fear
Day 4 - Rejoice Always!
Day 5 - Tools You Can Use!
Day 6 - Words to Live By
Day 7 - Answering the Call, Part One
Week 6 Downloads
Week 6 Downloads
Build Your Toolbox
Week 6 Toolbox (1:00)
Week 6 Quiz
Week 6 Quiz
Week 7: Giving Bible Studies, Part One
Introduction (4:32)
Giving Bible Studies, Part One - Chuck Holtry (47:21)
Day 1 - Perennial Christians
Day 2 - Prophecy's Core
Day 3 - The ABC's of Giving Bible Studies
Day 4 - Sharing is Caring
Day 5 - Tools You Can Use!
Day 6 - Words to Live By
Day 7 - Answering the Call Part Two
Question and Answer
Question and Answer Sessions (174:24)
Week 7 Downloads
Week 7 Downloads
Build Your Toolbox
Week 7 Toolbox
Week 7 Quiz
Week 7 Quiz
Week 8: Giving Bible Studies, Part Two
Introduction (4:01)
Giving Bible Studies, Part Two - Chuck Holtry (45:33)
Day 1 - Don't Wear Out the Saints
Day 2 - Faithful Fruit Inspectors
Day 3 - Speaking without Words
Day 4 - Meeting Felt Needs
Day 5 - Tools You Can Use!
Day 6 - Words to Live By
Day 7 - The Tattooed Prayer Warrior
Week 8 Downloads
Week 8 Downloads
Build Your Toolbox
Week 8 Toolbox
Week 8 Quiz
Week 8 Quiz
Week 9: Answering Objections
Introduction (2:47)
Answering Objections - Doug Batchelor (46:37)
Day 1 - Reaching the Heart
Day 2 - Can You Hear Me Now?
Day 3 - Humble Reliance
Day 4 - Adventism's Four C's
Day 5 - Tools You Can Use!
Day 6 - Words to Live By
Day 7 - Out of the Mouth of Babes
Week 9 Downloads
Week 9 Downloads
Build Your Toolbox
Week 9 Toolbox
Week 9 Quiz
Week 9 Quiz
Week 10: Gaining Decisions for Christ
Introduction (4:00)
Gaining Decisions - Carissa McSherry (50:41)
Day 1 - Captivate
Day 2 - Convince
Day 3 - Convict
Day 4 - Convert
Day 5 - Tools You Can Use!
Day 6 - Words to Live By
Day 7 - When Truth Knocks
Week 10 Downloads
Week 10 Downloads (351:20)
Build Your Toolbox
Week 10 Toolbox
Week 10 Quiz
Week 10 Quiz
Week 11: The Gospel Presentation
Introduction (3:19)
Gospel Presentation - Marshall McKenzie (47:52)
Day 1 - The Assurance of Salvation
Day 2 - Faith vs. Feeling
Day 3 - Is Now the Time?
Day 4 - The Gospel Presentation
Day 5 - Tools You Can Use!
Day 6 - Words to Live By
Day 7 - A Little Girl's Cry
Week 11 Downloads
Week 11 Downloads (171:04)
Build Your Toolbox
Week 11 Toolbox
Week 11 Quiz
Week 11 Quiz
Week 12: Nurturing New Believers
Introduction (3:18)
Nurturing New Believers - Marshall McKenzie (49:18)
Day 1 - Our First Calling
Day 2 - An Irreplaceable Role
Day 3 - The Family of Christ
Day 4 - Spiritual Gifts
Day 5 - Tools You Can Use!
Day 6 - Words to Live By
Day 7 - The Pardoned Prostitute, Part One
Week 12 Downloads
Week 12 Downloads
Build Your Toolbox
Week 12 Toolbox
Week 12 Quiz
Week 12 Quiz
Week 13: Reclaiming Missing Members
Introduction (3:43)
Reclaiming Missing Members - Jëan Ross (47:57)
Day 1 - Seeking to Save
Day 2 - Bitter or Better Ministry
Day 3 - Ministering to the Doubting Thomas
Day 4 - One Empty Chair
Day 5 - Tools You Can Use!
Day 6 - Words to Live By
Day 7 - The Pardoned Prostitute, Part Two
Week 13 Downloads
Week 13 Downloads (347:36)
Build Your Toolbox
Week 13 Toolbox
Week 13 Quiz
Week 13 Quiz
Finish Line!
You Did It!
Feedback Questionnaire
Feedback Questionnaire
Ice Breakers!
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